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Dietram Scheufele - Advancing the Science and Practice of Science Communication
SciComm Lunch & Learn: Studying the Science of Science Communication in the Era of Social Media
LSC Science Communication Colloquium; Dietram Scheufele
Science of Science Communication III - Dietram Scheufele
Dietram Scheufele
Panel 4 - The Future of (Trusted) Information: Lessons from Related Fields
LSC Colloquium: Dietram Scheufele - "Science in an age of polarized politics”
2022 NAM Annual Meeting Panel: Disrupting Challenges in the Scientific Enterprise Discussion
Dietram A. Scheufele- The Macro View: Social Dynamics in Science Communication
Dietram Scheufele
09/16/2019 - Session 4: Discussion
2019 Scheidel Lecture: Communication and the Future of Science